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Our Team
HighFive Robotics, established in 2020, on behalf of "Ion C. Brătianu" National College – Pitești, stands out due to its remarkable evolution. It all began with the initiative of five high school students, which shaped the team's identity (High – representing the high school cycle, Five – denoting the five founding members). These students, with the trust and support of mentors, managed to form a versatile, innovative.
Age: 18
Class: 11th
Season: 4th
About: I am a robotics and physics enthusiast and I love all STEAM activities
Alex C
Team Lead
Bianca P
N.T. Lead
Age: 18
Class: 12th
Season: 3rd
About: Hi! I'm a life enthusiast, where STEAM is the actions, feelings are the time and hopes are the people.
Alex I
Software Lead
Age: 17
Class: 11th
Season: 2nd
About: Hi! I am crazy about mathematics, programming and horror movies!
Teodor V
Hardware Lead
Age: 16
Class: 11th
Season: 3rd
About:Loves working on cars and I am quite the computer nerd.
Alexia M
Age: 17
Class: 10th
Season: 2nd
About: I love working with people. Making connections and capturing them through speach, photography.
Catalin R
Age: 18
Class: 12th
Season: 2nd
About: Hi everyone. I think that FTC has put me in front of new challenges that I am ready to accept.
David I
Age: 13
Class: 6th
Season: 1st
About: I enjoy going out with friends and I'm very passionate about football.
David S
Age: 14
Class: 8th
Season: 1st
About: Hello! I really love playing video games and I like math, informatics and basketball.
Evelina M
Age: 15
Class: 9th
Season: 1st
About: Hi! I’m keen on all kinds of STEAM activities, being determined to learn any new skill. I’m also a big rock enjoyer.
Stefan I
Age: 18
Class: 11th
Season: 1st
About: Hello! I'm very passionate about the auto-industry and learning new things about technology.
Matei D
Age: 14
Class: 8th
Season: 1st
About: Hiya! I'm all about hanging out with my friends, but i'm also getting started on my STEAM activities.
Maya S
Age: 15
Class: 8th
Season: 1st
About: Hi! I love math, horror movies and I adore strawberries!
Alex P
Age: 16
Class: 10th
Season: 2nd
About: Hello! I like 3D design&print, STEAM, and table tennis. I am polite and respectful.
Teodor E
Age: 16
Class: 10th
Season: 1st
About: Hi! I’m keen on all types of programing, I also love The NBHD.
Age: 17 yo Class: 12th Season: 3rd About: Hi! I absolutely love Irina Rimes and I’m keen on sorts of STEAM activities and sports.
Age: 17 yo Class: 12th Season: 3rd About: Hi! I absolutely love Irina Rimes and I’m keen on sorts of STEAM activities and sports.
Age: 17 Class: 12th Season: 3rd About: Hi! I absolutely love Irina Rimes and I’m keen on sorts of STEAM activities and sports.
Technical Mentor
Age: 44
Season: 4th
About: Coach and mentor for multiple WRO, FLL and FTC Teams with great results.
Technical Mentor
Age: 49
Season: 4th
About: Keen about technology, the mentorship of this robotics team, a game for kids played by an adult.
Peer Mentor
Age: 20
Season: 4th
About: An ambitious man who loves team work and wants to make a better community.